There are just so many unanswered questions (a.k.a. clues?) and a very very suspicious smell. So Hamas planned to overwhelm the iron dome system with a massive volume of rockets. So how do they set up enough launch sites for the initial barrage and continuing assaults without detection or raising *any* suspicion? There were no Intel clues that something was up? And how did *hundreds* of Hamas breach the purportedly highly sophisticated electronic and physical Gaza border protection? And the military normally posted on the border were recently reassigned and too far away to respond to the initial carnage on the border towns for hours? So many compounding *coincidences*. Reminiscent of Jeffrey's *suicide*. I learned to be skeptical at an early age, but the breadth and depth and absolute perniciousness of the apparent deep state corruption is breathtaking. No life is sacred. Not an infant, expectant mother, or granny. All human life, less the self-appointed elite, is only a means to an end apparently. Coincidences occur, but I’m now believing there are far more malicious actors than I ever thought could cooperate without being exposed to the light of justice. Challenging times.

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Some of your question were already answered here and there in the media. By the videos alone (published by Hamas themselves) they used enclaves, apartaments, and small buildings (most likely the building Israel glassed today) to fire a lot of these paylaods, these are smallers, lighter, on this matter, my question is who supplied the materials ?

Apparently Egypt Intelligence send Israel many, many messages warning something big was happening in Palestine territory and they were ignored by the current adminstration.

High tech solutions often fail to low tech, Hamas literally destroyed all the sophisticated cameras and warning systems, they knew exactly where, and how to hit these places.

"Coincidences occur, but I’m now believing there are far more malicious actors than I ever thought could cooperate without being exposed to the light of justice. Challenging times."

You are starting to think like us. Good =) Some massive cooperation between different parties happened before this attack came to be, and I suspect it was the plan of larger threats to incite this one.

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Professor - "I often wonder who is the real world Makarov" Absence of evidence doesn’t mean evidence of absence. N. Korea is to China as Iran is to... and some might even refer to EZEK 38 & 39 Mr. Mulder. And as commented on your other post... https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/the-october-surprise/comment/41539568

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I didn't meant countries acting as chaos agents, but individuals or non-state groups. China is responsible, for basically, the entire advancement of Iran's missile program by using a arms trafficker.

You may be one of the few that take the China threat seriously.

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Sorry for the lapse Professor - Aside from the already referred to usual suspects, one is also reminded of his namesake... https://youtu.be/9HvKjPOPAjQ? Wouldn't that be something?

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Fear of the Devil leads to Belief in the Supremacy of the Devil. "Spooks know everything." "The intelligence agencies are all powerful, so if they 'missed' something, it was deliberate." Thus conspiracy theories flourish, fed by circumstantial evidence and hunch: "If it sounds like it should be true, then it is."

I did like this aspect of the post:

"I personally don’t think the vast majority of elites know what they are doing, and this elite-centric decision-making and societal structuring is failing at breakneck speed."

Well, yeah. Having graduated from an elite university, I can tell you that some of the people recruited by top corporations and government (including the ominiscient CIA) faked lab results in science courses, strung together quotes to produce an "original" term paper, and often avoided reading source material intensively. Masters of the Universe, they definitely are not.

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China acting as an agent of chaos through proxies to further drain US resources makes sense. But in re. to ME energy, if the situation widens would not China be even more vulnerable to long term disruption of supply and increased prices than the US? If so, then wonder if the real agent of chaos at work here might not be CPP, or if it is then it was not mitigated bc it could be utilized to backfire on them. Energy shipping may be disrupted and an excuse is now available to take out Iran's oil facilities, thus turning a short term disruption (which they have stockpiled for) into a long term one. Painful for the US as you have detailed, but possibly fatal to China given all the other financial issues they are having.

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No, China wouldn't be more vulnerable. China has buffer to a lot of the supply chocks (they themselves caused in my long-term analysis).

China can outbid every single other country in the planet when it comes to maritime logistics, which they often do, China is the biggest refiner in the planet (followed by Russia), if push comes to shove and the US decides to kill itself by picking up Israel fight with Iran, China will just further use Russia as a fuel source.

I know it is hard to swallow this pill, but China is a far larger and more serious danger when it comes to cyber and electronic warfare than most "experts/analysts" are willing to accept. If China falls, the entire planet falls.

If the US falls, the entire global economy falls.

From a conspiracy indulgance, sometimes I think Xi is YOLOing.

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